Luxury Properties

China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Luxury Properties reaches more than 100,000 upper echelon consumers in China, Hong Kong and the Asia/Pacific.

The magazine features include market analyses, showcasing of properties, news & reviews, emerging trends, investment tips, a creative collage of the latest luxury products in fashion, jewelry, furniture and home appliances, and interviews with specialists and leading designers.

Property ads are printed bi-lingual: Chinese and English.
Circulation: 100,200
Geographic Distribution: China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Average Household Income: $500,000
Assets: $3,000,000
Median Age: 45

Retail price: $550 With Century 21 Corporate
Marketing Subsidy,
system member price
$375 per ad

May/June 2014
Materials due:
Friday Mary 14, 2014

September/October 2014
Materials due:
Friday, June 27, 2014

Advertising Inquiries

Please contact:
Phil Kaminowitz