An Elite Group of
Multiple Homeowners

With our March/April 2013 issue, Robb Report Ex­ceptional Properties transforms into Home & Style. Our new bi-monthly magazine carves out a unique niche in the marketplace by celebrating luxury real estate offerings from around the world with a spe­cial emphasis on architecture, new home products, and interior design with special sections dedicated to the latest trends and guiding philosophies—all in one very comfortable place.
Robb Report Home & Style will also bring to life the most enticing destinations for those looking to own luxury vacation homes. We highlight the expe­riential parts of travel—culture, food, recreation— while offering insider information about that desti­nation’s real estate market and most desirable home locations.

Distribution 84,000

Readership Profile‡
Average Household Income: $1,214,000
Household $100,000+: 90%
Average Household Assets: $6,490,000
Average Value Primary Residence: $1,964,000
Average Value of Other Real Estate owned $4,053,000
Primary Residence $500,000+: 77%
Other Real Estate $500,000+: 76%
Own 2+ Homes: 50%
Own 3+ Homes: 21%

‡Source: Robb Report Subscriber Survey, Spring 2012, Conducted by Mendelson Media Research

$400 Per Spot

Closing Dates
Issue Afilliate Deadline Delivered in
March/April 2014 January 8, 2014 February 23, 2014
May/June 2014 February 28, 2014 April 20, 2014
July/August 2014 April 30, 2014 June 22, 2014
September/October 2014 June 27, 2014 August 17, 2014
November/December 2014 August 29, 2014 October 21, 2014
January/February 2015 October 31, 2014 December 21, 2014

Advertising Inquiries

Please contact Phil Kaminowitz at 212.677.2500 or

Please contact Abbe Smith at 978.264.7567 or