- COST – We can often negotiate a better rate or get added
features like templates or resume data bases at below
the official rate.
- CONVENIENCE – We can create and maintain an
ad book with copy for your various positions from which
we can quickly post your job. We don’t have to start from
scratch each time.
- BRANDING – We can
design beautiful and creative templates that will wrap
around all your postings and promote your culture, benefits,
advancement opportunities, etc. each and every time. Appropriate
links, if applicable, are also included.
- ADVICE – We want to consult with you
about contracts to ensure you get the right rate and that you don’t get
pulled into more postings or features than you need. We can
also recommend additional or alternative sites that may be better
for you.
can easily post you to multiple sites, consolidate
your billing and manage your responses.