Healthcare Auditions Program

Program Overview

The Healthcare Auditions Program is designed to provide a learning experience that combines classroom training and simulated “real life” scenarios for individuals seeking a career in the healthcare field. The objective of the auditions program is to help individuals develop a greater understanding of what it is like to work in a healthcare environment. Throughout the training, the participant will gain a greater understanding of the expectations, job skills, and personality traits one must possess to be successful in a healthcare role. The program will be administered by professionals and subject matter experts employed by Northern Westchester Hospital. The curriculum will utilize a variety of training modalities including group discussion, classroom instruction, video, and simulated role plays. Throughout the program, participants will be assessed on their teamwork, collaboration skills and intrinsic ability to follow the hospital’s Planetree Patient Centered Care Model. Based on performance during the training, a participant may be invited to interview for a position with the hospital or may be asked to exit the training. Participants will be paid a stipend for their participation in the program.

Auditions Process

Interested individuals will participate in an initial phone screen and will be asked a series of interview questions that assess the critical interpersonal skills needed to successfully work in a hospital environment. If the candidate answers these questions in a satisfactory fashion, they will be invited to participate in the Healthcare Auditions Program. The participant will then receive an email outlining the Healthcare Auditions curriculum, dates and times, expectations and an explanation of the stipend. The 2 day training program will be scheduled in October 2015.

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Audition Dates

Tuesday, October 27 &
Wednesday, October 28

Sample Curriculum

Day One:

Getting to know Northern Westchester Hospital
Communication and Service Excellence in a Hospital Environment
• Customer Service Expectations
• Valuing the Internal Customer
• Moments of Truth and Cycle of Service
• Dealing with Difficult Situations
• The 3 forms of Communication – Body Language, Tone of Voice, Words
• Proactive Listening Skills
Hospital Based Practice Scenarios: Table Top Discussion

Day Two:

Accountability and Teamwork in a Hospital Environment
• Leadership – Stephen Covey
• Positive versus Negative Accountability
• Qualities of Great Teams
• What Causes Teamwork Breakdowns
Hospital Based Practice Scenarios: Role Plays

Day Three:

Position Interviews for Selected Candidates